Start with a warm-up

Pre Warm-Up Meditation for Singers

It can take a little while to get your body and mind settled and ready for effective practice. Try this 10-minute meditation for singers before you begin your practice! Meditation isn’t for everyone, so feel free to skip ahead to the Full-Range Warm-up if it’s not your bag or if you’re short on time.

Full Range Warm-up

Unless otherwise directed by your vocal coach, use this simple, full-range scale to help you warm-up your voice!

If a vowel or sound has not been assigned by your coach, use a lip-trill (or a lip bubble) throughout this scale. If you cannot produce this sound, simply hum. A lip trill is when you purse your lips a make a ‘brrrrr’ sound, like a motorboat.

VEX A) Warm-up.png